Edward Christie, affectionately known as Eddie, was born in 1932 in a Welsh village. He headed northward and, at the age of two, he was living in a children’s home in Coatbridge. From there, he moved through several other residential homes. In 1998, at the age of 66, Eddie was then supported by Potential Living and secured his own flat in Wishaw in 2009.
Eddie was supported to live the life that he wanted, developing lasting friendships until his death in November 2022. Despite attempts to find out about his background and family, no information was discovered. Then, in July 2023, Eddie’s niece Helen contacted Potential Living. We were overjoyed to hear that Eddie did have family, a beautiful family, who wanted to know all about him. Meetings were held, stories and photographs were shared, and Eddie’s earlier life was pieced together.
Eddie’s legacy is one of wonder, love, and enrichment. Although he never had the chance to meet his blood family, we were able to share his life with them. Eddie’s memory will live on in the hearts of those who knew him, and his story will continue to be told. Through this rediscovery, Eddie completed a missing piece of his family’s puzzle – a legacy that will endure for generations to come.
As we who are left behind miss this true gentleman known as Eddie, we hold onto the memories of the past and find solace in the knowledge that his story will be cherished and carried forward into the future.